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Mexican Culture

The Contemporary Indigenous Art Museum houses works from 12 Mexican ethnic groups: Rrámuri, Yoreme, Yaqui, Purépecha, Huichol, Mazahua, Otomí or ñañu, Nahua, Mixtec, Tzotzil, Zeltal and Zapotec. In addition to a space dedicated to the cultural community of Mata Ortíz and another to the towns of Morelos. You can see textiles, pottery, wood carvings and ceramics. Unique, contemporary, dynamic and futuristic author's pieces.

The collection belongs to the Pro-Niño Marginado AC foundation and consists of 284 works that were exhibited on an itinerant basis in Canada, the United States and different cities in Mexico. Today, the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos is the depository for its protection, preservation, research and exhibition.

The building that today occupies the museum dates from the 16th century. It has had various uses throughout 5 centuries of history. Its importance lies in the fact that it is the oldest civil building on Morelos Street, in the center of Cuernavaca. The rescue of the property reflects the spatial typology of the capital's houses of the seventeenth century.

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Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons. Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start. Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world. Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish. Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.

Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons. Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start. Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world. Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish. Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.

Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons. Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start. Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world. Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish. Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.

Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons. Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start. Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world. Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish. Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.

Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons. Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start. Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world. Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish. Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.

Learning Spanish in Mexico can be an exciting opportunity for any number of reasons. Whether you're looking to gain an edge in the workplace, communicate better with family members or friends, or just learn more about a different culture, there is no better time than now to start. Spanish is spoken by almost 400 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing languages in the world. Come and learn Spanish in México because everyday, around the world there are more opportunities for those who are fluent in Spanish. Study in the bes University here in Mexico. Learn how to speak as a Mexican As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp.

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